Over indulged over Xmas and how to get back on track

Over indulged over Xmas and how to get back on track
First off if you have eaten crap and drank too much over Christmas don’t feel too bad,most people have my clients did and I did. Christmas is a time to celebrate and enjoy as long as you get your self back on track the weight gain will come off as quickly as you put it on. Here are my top 5 tips to get you back into healthy mode and keep going.

1. Make a blueprint. Set yourself a goal for the first week, then the month, then the year. Breaking your goals and regime into small steps will make it easier to focus on the result and seem more attainable.
Month 1 circuits.
Week 1 2x per week.
Week 2 3x per week.
Week 3/4 4x per week.
Month 2 HIIT.
Week 1 3x per week.
Week 2-4 4x per week.

2. Set realistic goals. If you have trained in the past use previous results as a marker as everybody is different, do you respond better to low or high volume. Which diet suits you high fat low carb or vice versa.
3. Train with progression and variety. When you set your first plan for week one bare in mind how active you have been over christmas. If you have done nothing, don’t set a tough training regime for 4+ days, build yourself back up eg week 1 train twice, week 2 train three times and so on. If you do the same program for long periods you will get diminished returns, and likelihood of boredom and quitting increases.
4. Assess your goals regularly throughout the year. If you aren’t on track why not ? Usually it’s one of these culprits consistency in training and/or diet, coasting in training sessions are you training as hard as when you first began ?
5. Don’t make excuses. Every session you will have a reason to skip the gym didn’t sleep well, stressful day at work etc. Accepting these reasons will give you a weaker mindset. You will miss sessions through the year and sometimes it’s valid most of the time it’s not

I hope this helps you get back on track. First session is always the toughest but you soon get back to where you were and beyond. Any feedback or follow up questions are welcome.

About the Author David Roebuck

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